Thursday, May 21, 2015

A Dry Patch

The rain came and went all week.  The gray skies came and stayed.  The chickens are allowed out of the coop when aren't experiencing a downpour.  This afternoon was one of those recent rare moments.
The Red Door Coop hens had fun worm hunting and boy, did they catch a bunch!  But when Mama Hen appeared with spinach and crushed eggshells, they ran into the coop.

Sunday, May 17, 2015


Due to Mama Hen's head trauma in the coop a week ago, the Red Door Coop hens now have quite the penthouse.  If only they would use it when we are not forcing it on them!  Well, like everything with raising chickens (and life) one often has to try things more than once and improve the design each time.  Following are pictures of the current penthouse.  We realize that the ramp is too long and too steep.  Only Lou has been independently adventurous (read: not forced) to climb the ramp.  We plan to modify the design in the next few weeks, in between our upcoming camping trip and cattle drive weekends.  Here are pictures of the current design.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

White Out

After a week of rainy days, we woke to a snowy May 10th morning in Colorado. 

The purple mountains majesty were truly covered in snow.
This chickens didn't seem to notice much but the square of hay we gave them for some playtime.
As I write this, Papa Hen is making some improvements in the coop.  Mama Hen bumped her forehead pretty bad on a corner of the chicken loft this morning.  We decided it was time for Papa Hen to make some changes in Red Door Coop that we've been talking about for awhile.  Hopefully the rearrangement of the loft will prevent the headbanger from headbanging again.

We'll share some photos soon.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Cloudy Week

Following are some shots of the chickens, coop, and the yard in a cloudy, drizzly, and windy week. 

Friday, May 1, 2015