Saturday, October 31, 2015

Happy Halloween!

We had a pumpkin carving party!

One thing we learned is that different varieties of pumpkins glow differently.


Monday, October 26, 2015

Fall Festival

We decided to go on adventure in the midst of all the garden clean up.  A bluegrass band we really like, the Stanleytones, was playing at a fall festival up north of Denver.  We cleaned all the yard and garden mess off of us, locked up the chickens in Red Door Coop, and hit the road for Anderson Farms
We saw this great pumpkin from a distance as we drove in from the highway.  And no, I am not allowed to have one like it.
There was giant corn too.  I'm not allowed to have these either.
The wonderful Stanleytones..
This is the view from the bridge over the Corn Maze. 
And the drive home.

It was a beautiful Colorado Day!

Goodnight Garden

We woke to frost on Saturday morning.  

Time to put our garden to bed.  Papa Hen took care of the garden irrigation.
Mama Hen got to play in the compost.

The chickens made the rounds to all of their favorite spots in the yard.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Pumpkins to be Picked and Chickens to be Fed

On this rainy evening, the first cold day of the fall, we will pick pick the pumpkins and feed the chickens.  But first, we must take pictures.

The pumpkins.
Red Door Coop.
Beautiful BB.
Bill.  With her mouth open and squawking, as usual.
Floppy Comb Jim.
Murphy.  She's gotten a few pecks on the wing from the other hens but is holding her own.
And Weezy.  She is still skittish which explains the blurry photo.
The whole flock.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

At Attention

Some evenings the chickens seem to stand at attention, with Bill marching in front, waiting for treats.  It is similar to how my students will get quiet as soon as they know I am about to hand out their library cards.
Meanwhile, the garden bounty continues despite the slightly cooler temperatures.
The yard looks so pretty after the rain.