Friday, May 20, 2016


The chickens are kinda cute the way they stick together and dig for worms and other tiny creatures on the mulch.  The black hen, Bill, is getting up in years and doesn't lay many eggs.  When she does lay the eggs are large and uniquely shaped.  Murphy, one of the newer hens with the straight comb, seems to be feeling under the weather of late and we are trying to feed her a bit more protein.  The other hens are all doing well. 

This is cute Honker Bonker waiting patiently in his cave for Mama Hen to finish her short exercise session.
Honker likes sticks.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Around the Yard

It's been hard to find the time we need to get pictures posted on the blog.  With the chickens and a new puppy, we are a little busy.  Oh yea, we both work full time too!

Anyway, take a look at what we have been up to at Red Door Coop.  Honker and all the chickens are doing well.  We are just trying to keep up with chores.  Thank goodness for the dog sitter who visits Honker daily during the week!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Backyard Playtime

Much of our backyard time involves Honker watching the chickens.  However, Honker does manage to fit playtime into his schedule quite a bit.

Honker likes rest time too!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Honker and the Real Chickens

They have been watching each other for a few days and today Papa Hen took Honker Bonker for an official greeting.  It went well.  We think.

Honker Loves Chicken

Ha ha ha!  Thanks, M.F. for the fantastic puppy toy.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Five Hens Plus Honker

Things have changed a bit around here.  We have our five hens.
We have our coop and our whirligig.
And now we have our Honker.

He is just about the cutest puppy ever.  This past week, while Mama Hen's Papa was visiting to help take care of Honker Bonker, the most common phrases spoken in our house were:
He is so cute!
He is so soft!

Honker is adorable and soft and smart and chews everything!