Thursday, July 25, 2013

Food and Water

What do chickens eat? 
Chicken feed (not sure what's in it but it makes for good eggs!)
Scratch (a mix of seeds)
Meal worms (a favorite protein-packed snacked fully approved by the Atkins diet people)
Fruits and vegetables (most but not all) 
They are not picky.  Four chickens is not many to feed, but we have three feeders to keep all four personalities in-check and comfortable.  The pecking order really comes alive around the feeders.  Our feeders are all different.
I consider this the main feeder because it is the biggest. 
The chickens favor this tiny feeder.  We put a dish underneath because they love to spill the food and eat it out of the dish or off the gravel. 
That's the third feeder on the left.  It's a small size normally used for chicks, but it works fine for our chickens and is a good place to go when one of them is kicked off one of the two others.  Keeping it in a dish and in another dish keeps it standing upright.  The birds love to knock it over!  Next to the third feeder is one of the waterers, a basic trough style.
The hanging waterer is the across from the main feeder.  We've been putting the blue basin of water out during the hot weather for a little extra.  Like most creatures, chickens need lots of water, especially in hot weather. 

Now for the birds.
Bill and Fitz.
Bruiser and Lou.


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