Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Young Ones

We think that Bruiser, a Black Star, will be the biggest of all four chickens when she is full grown.  She is the one with the black body and golden feathered head.  Lou is a smaller breed than the others, a White Leghorn, but the most reliable layer in all seasons, when she starts laying.
In this picture they are getting ready for a good old dustbath-a hysterical sight to see! 


Anonymous said...

oooh can you take a video clip next time of the dust bath mayhem please? :)

allikpeters said...

Great idea! I'll take a video of a dustbath next time I catch one. Sometimes when I walk out and they are in the middle of a dustbath, they stop, no matter how contorted and "dirty" their bodies are and just sit there with "nothing to see here, human" on their faces.