The chicken coop and chicken run are all finished. There are feeders, waterers, and roosts. There are pine shavings, straw, layer feed, scratch, grit, and mealworms. What's missing? The chickens! And lucky us, over the last two weeks, four hens have joined us at Red Door Coop.
That's Fitz on the left and Bill on the right. They are on their way to Red Door Coop.
That's Lou on the left and Bruiser on the right. They made their way to Red Door Coop a week after Fitz and Bill.
A little bit about the birds: Fitz and Bill grew up together. They are 1.5 years old and already laying eggs like Rockstars. According to our antique egg weighing scale, Fitz lays extra-large eggs and Bill lays large eggs. Lou and Bruiser also grew up together, but on a different farm. They are a young 20 weeks of age and haven't started laying yet. They are still growing their combs and waddles and getting to know what it is chickens do. The birds are all fast learners. One thing the young girls (Lou and Bruiser) have learned is to stay out of the way of Fitz. She is large and in charge!
Don't worry, there will be many more pictures of the birds!
What does one have to do to secure a namesake in Red Door Coop??
Good question. We chose the names ages ago, when we were making the plans to build Red Door Coop and knew that we would be getting 4 chickens since that is what is allowed in the rules of our town. The names themselves, Fitz, Bill, Bruiser, and Lou? They are four of our favorite people in Denver.
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