Thursday, July 31, 2014

Cabbage, the Unifier

In a rare moment, all birds were happily eating from the hanging cabbage.  It didn't last long, and I am glad I was there to see it.  The chickens continue to ignore one another for the most part, sticking to opposite sides of Red Door Coop.  We have the North Side Oldies and the South Side Newbies.  Fortunately, there was a brief moment today when they were unified.  Thank you, cabbage.


Kim said...


I like how you hang your food and water? Is that so they don't know it over or soil is in their special chicken way? Yum, nothing sounds more tastey than a cabbage on a chain, for a chicken, that is.

allikpeters said...

The cabbage trick came from another chicken blog. The birds like cabbage and when it is hanging it is challenging to eat and keeps their little brains off of pecking new hens! I don't leave it in the coop all day. Maybe 30 minutes. Don't want them to eat too much of it, then they don't eat their egg maker feed.