Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tima, the Kunekune

Tima is well loved by all at The Farmy.  She is a Kunekune.
Tima is house trained.  She will sit and go up for a treat.  She loves to have her belly rubbed.  Tima dug her nose into my thigh so I would "roll over" because she likes to cuddle.  I left the cuddling to Ton and Boo, but I was happy to rub her belly, scratch around her ears, give her treats, and walk with her around the property.  Her nose is amazing and she follows it all over the farm searching for treats.  Her snorting and squealing make it easy to find her when she is out and about.

I scanned YouTube looking for a video of Kunekunes that might give you an idea of their behavior.  There are many, but I like this one because you can hear their squeaky voices.
When it is time for Tima to return to her pen you say, "Go to bed, Tima" and carry a carrot towards her pen.  She is happy to go, as long as you have a treat in hand!

The chickens and gardens of Red Door Coop are doing well.  I'll have pictures of them soon.  It is fun to share pictures of the friends I made at The Farmy though and will have a few more posts about them.

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