Sunday, March 22, 2015


Over the last two years the birds have done a lot of digging in Red Door Coop.  Papa Hen and I have done a lot of scooping of you-know-what.  These two things resulted in the level of the coop floor being much lower than we like.  As a fairly easy and quick early spring project, we decided to add many pounds of play sand to the coop to build up the floor.  It is a little damp but drying quickly on this warm Sunday.  The chickens were most excited about the dirt we added to their bath.

 While the sand dried out a bit, the chickens strutted their stuff right by the back door.  We think they think that if they look cute enough that we will let them into the house.  Because Papa Hen and I know how much they poop, it will only ever happen if there is an emergency (think bleeding toenail) and they need treatment.  

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