We discovered a number of online reports recommending Neem Oil to treat lice and mites on chickens. I was familiar with Neem Oil spray because I once used it when we had nasty gnats on some of our houseplants. I found the spray I used on the houseplants and treated the roosts and perches in the chicken coop. Last night we did a little shopping and I bought some pure Neem Oil. Following the advice of Sustainable Scientist I gave the four birds baths of Neem Oil, warm water, and mild dish soap this morning. It was quite the task and makes me feel like I am not at all on summer vacation!
Some birds behaved better than others. Mama Hen got wet.
BB was calm and serene and Lou would not pose for a photo in her straggly, wet, and involuntary bath situation.
Here are BB and Lou drying out in the sun.
Weezy was a bit jumpy but calmed down in the warm water. She did not care for the hair dryer at all!
Bill was a bit more agitated than I thought she would be. Boy, did the green tint in her feathers look beautiful when she was a wet mop! (Not that you can tell in the photo)
Here she is getting dry.
I noticed lots of little black bits (bugs? I hope) floating in the water when I was done. The chickens groomed themselves in the sun for awhile and then I made a feast for them to entice them back into the coop.
I will repeat the bath routine in a week and hopefully find that the bugs are gone. *fingers crossed*
How do you catch your chickens?? Mine get so upset when I try to pick them up...marsha@tubbslanefarm.com
Catching the chickens... It is easy with BB and Bill because they are so docile and friendly. Lou takes a bit of chasing and Weezy is near impossible because she is so skittish. We chase them around our 6X12 foot chicken run until we can get a hand on them and then just hold on tight!
Chicken chasing is pure comedy.
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