After the baseball game last night we tiptoed out to the chicken yard and made some changes. We put food and water up on the loft. We added some overturned flowerpots for jumping on and hiding in. Then we made the big change. We carried Brian and David into the coop and put them up on the roost. There were a few squawks and then all was quiet. Seven chickens quiet.
This morning the birds are squawking. Seven chickens squawking. A new pecking order must be established and it takes some negotiating. The old girls are fighting for higher spots. The new girls have to introduce themselves to the old girls. It is a power struggle.
Anyway, here's what it looks like with seven hens in the coop.
Papa Hen is doing some work in the coop while supervising the negotiations.
I dont care what kind of hens you put in one space--
even human ones--
and there is always a 'pecking' order that is workded out!!!!
Love the new ones--David and Brian--very beautiful chicks--
love and laughter, di
Hello there! The chickens are still working out their issues with the pecking order. When I went out to check on them a few minutes ago, the 5 old girls were inside the coop where they sleep and the 2 new girls were happily attending to chicken business around the coop. Ha ha! They'll continue to work out the pecking order issues. Hopefully in a few days they'll have a new rule of order established!
So true about pecking order... :)
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