Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Local Landmark

It's true.  Red Door Coop has become a bit of a local landmark.  By local I mean right in our backyard.  By landmark I mean that if you are in our backyard you just can't miss it.  However, if you were to enter our backyard and felt unsure as to whether you were in the yard of Red Door Coop or another huge coop with a red door, you could look for two significant points of interest to help you.  Both are located by the large red door. 
At about eye level on the left side of the door, you will see a bouquet of feathers.  They are local, as in found on the gravel floor of the coop. 
Down on the ground, to the right of the door, is a rock that we call Chicken Wing Rock.  You can see why.
We are not sure that Google Earth has spotted and labeled these items yet, but when the Google car drives by, we will let them know that they are missing a couple things. 

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