Sunday, October 20, 2013

Who is that Masked Chicken?

At this time of year, with the temperatures starting to dip below 30 degrees at night, we take special care of the chickens.  One of the things that's got our friends laughing is that we apply vaseline to the chickens' combs at night.  The vaseline keeps the birds from getting frostbitten.  This is a real problem and so far the vaseline is working.  What vaseline doesn't do is make the chickens look good.  Not at all.  The application of vaseline on Fitz, Bill, and Bruiser hasn't been that obvious, just a slight darkening of the feathers around the comb.  For Lou, it's a different story.  I've taken to calling her Zorro because she is now, and will be for the rest of the winter, a masked chicken. 

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