Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Cage It

The educational world of chicken blogs has provided us with many tips and suggestions on best practices of raising backyard chickens.  After months of throwing spinach into the coop and watching the chickens step on it with their poopy feet before eating the leafy greens (I know they don't care, but I do!), I decided to get two suet cages.  Thank you Internet!  Using zip ties and a small chain, I attached the suet cages to the interiors of the coop and pen.  Now the chickens can graze on spinach that they haven't stepped in.

Pardon the dark pictures, Papa Hen and I had a photo shoot at 5:15 this morning!

And here's Lou, looking very cute.  Too bad I caught her eating feathers off of Fitz's chest yesterday.  No wonder Fitz can't grow her darn feathers back!

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