Sunday, August 17, 2014

Fun With Straw

Late tonight we will put Lou back with the hens in the coop and just let things play themselves out.  We are hoping that the separation will have mellowed her bullying the new girls, but who knows.  In our minds, we know we have to solve this problem before it gets cold.  More birds in the coop is better for keeping them all warm.  Also, if the chickens are together it is a lot less work for us.

To break up Lou's monotonous solitude and to give the other girls some fun, we threw some squares of straw in the coops today.  Lou was on the straw within seconds.

Fitz and Bill jumped in at about the same speed.  BB looked anxiously on as the old girls scratched at the pile.  Weezy was in the nesting box.



Terry and Linda said...

I always love me a warm to hug hen!


allikpeters said...

They can be sweet!