Thursday, August 14, 2014

State of the Hens

A cool light rain greeted me as I stepped out the back door this morning for early chicken chores.  The chickens were still locked up safe in the coop.  We folded up the luxury loft last night and the new girls went into the coop to roost.  We'll do that for the next few nights.  Lou Lou is in solitary since she continues to pick on BB.  We will reintroduce her to the flock tomorrow and expect to see a change in her behavior.

BB has a great personality!  She snacks out of our hands, loves dirt baths (anytime and anyplace, rarely in the dirt bath), and is so fluffy you just want pet her.  Weezy is similarly adorable, but definitely a bit more cautious and a lot harder to get into the coop when free range time is over.  She is a skilled worm catcher.

Fitz is still not looking great, we think because of all the stress with Bruiser, but she continues to lay monster eggs.  Bill is not broody anymore and has started laying again.  Her old voice, they very loud voice, is back as well.  We have mixed feelings about that.

1 comment:

Terry and Linda said...

I think chickens are delightful and like you say...full of personality!
