Thursday, October 2, 2014

Evening Snackies

The girls finally had a night out this evening.  We've not had them in the yard for a few days because of the weather, our schedules, and well, because.  They ran out of Red Door Coop tonight when I held the door open for them.  Pecking and squawking their way around the yard, the chickens made their typical mess of mulch everywhere.  Raking is good exercise though, so we clean it all up about once a week so we can more easily mow the lawn.

Here you can see BB letting out a big squawk.
 Bill's on her own by our near-the-end garden.
The wind was strong tonight and Fitz dug for worms close to the coop door until it was time for indoor snackies.  She remains in the never ending molt and I worry that she is going to be quite chilly come winter.

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