Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Bitter cold.  Autumn in Colorado ended on Sunday just after we went for a nice bikeride up in Boulder--wearing shorts! 

And today, Wednesday, the high temperature was 5 degrees.

The chickens are bundled up in a coop that is wrapped and fortified from the elements.  It's also full of straw as shown in the photos.  Excuse the white and wiggly blur.

Papa Hen and I debated about putting them in the garage last night with a low of 2 degrees, but decided against it, knowing that the transition back to Red Door Coop in the morning would be difficult.  I tossed and turned all night worrying about their little combs and wattles getting frost bitten.  This morning they popped out of the coop door looking well, but more excited than normal for morning snacks.  I was prepared with a hot breakfast of oatmeal, eggs, and scratch.  This gives them lots of protein and helps them to stay warm.

Here are a few similar shots of the chickens exploring their straw filled coop.

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