Sunday, March 8, 2015

Nail Trimming


The Red Door Coop chickens got a salon treatment in our laundry room today.  After BB had a torn and bloody claw this week, after Lou's bloody disaster, we decided to take action.  Mama Hen held the birds.  Papa Hen cut the nails with trimmers we purchased at the ranch store.  He was very careful about the quick.  That's the vein that runs through the nail.  The quick bleeds a lot!  We kept disinfectant and cornstarch nearby and barely had to use any, proof of how careful Papa Hen was with the trimming.

Weezy went first since she is perhaps the world's most skittish chicken.

 Then Fitz.
 Lou was next.  She is accustomed to the laundry room after her accident last week.

 BB was calm and cool.

 Bill was quiet.  Unusual.

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