Wednesday, June 24, 2015

1940s Kitchen Mama

I had the privilege of being Kitchen Mama yesterday.  The camera rested on the kitchen counter while I cooked, baked, and then took a break to chase a broody hen with Kim.  It was fun to prepare the meals of the day in addition to prepping some things for the days to come.  When Kim wasn't busy with the birds, the wool, or cleaning baby birdie houses, she was a huge help in the kitchen.  That was fun!

On the agenda (and menu) were:
Vanilla Ice Cream with cookie crumbles (from cookies baked by Kim)
Tending the sourdough starter
Baking Pita Bread (from Roger's flatbread recipe)
Paninis and Smoothies for lunch
Baking Nut and Seed Crackers
Cooking dinner for everyone.  I made Shakshuka

I've made bread a few times on my own but always feel a bit nervous about baking with yeast.  In one of my first post-college jobs I had a big argument with yeast while making English Muffins from scratch for the brunch menu at a restaurant.  The yeast won.  I barely made it through the day.  And my confidence in working with the beast, yeast, has always been low.  Until yesterday.  Pita Bread! 
For a bigger and better picture of our day at The Farmy, visit Miss C.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay for overcoming the yeast beast!