Friday, July 31, 2015

Floppy and Un-Floppy

Red Door Coop welcomes two new birds to the flock today.  They are one-year-old Red Star chickens.  This is the same breed as our old friend Fitz, who frequently laid large eggs.  We got these two birds from a nice flock in Morrison, Colorado.  I let the kids on the little farm pick out our two birds.  So far, I think they did a great job!
One of the chickens has a floppy comb.  She's on the left.  The one on the right has a smaller, un-floppy comb.  Or is it the other way around?  Hard to tell in a photo.  We will decide on names this weekend.

The new chickens are in Red Door Coop pen and will stay there for a few days.  They haven't even seen Bill, BB, Weezy, or Lou yet.  All six birds have been listening to each other and have joined each other in chicken song. 



Ahh yes-chicken song--I think chickens are the most talkative of all the animals
on a farm--love those red chickens--

allikpeters said...

The red chickens are settling in nicely. We are slowly introducing them to the other four birds.