Monday, September 28, 2015

Life is Full

The chickens are busy with chicken business, always.  It is hard to get all the birds in one shot and we just made it in this one.
Papa and Mama Hen have been occupied with jobs and the garden and the chickens and visiting with friends and camping and a cattle drive.  It's been a fun September.  A full September.  We are looking forward to more of the same in October.
One of the new hens, maybe this one
will not go up on the roost at night.  Every night we push her out of the most popular nesting box and then gently lift her onto the roost with the other chickens.  She needs to learn to roost with flock before winter comes.  Although I think she will learn quickly when winter does come.  And winter is getting closer.
This chicken, BB, continues to amuse us with her gallop run jog bounce across the yard when it is treat time. 
With Mama Hen back in school and Papa Hen at a new job we have a new chicken chore routine.  We like it.  And we think the chickens like it too.



I love chickens and fresh eggs--though I have neither one--
so I thank you for photographing yours to share with me--
smiles, di

allikpeters said...

Hi Di--I'm so sorry I haven't posted pictures in so long! Glad you enjoy our chicks! We love them too! Allison