Sunday, August 14, 2016


Finally.  The sunflower is starting to open.
After prepping the weed garden front patio for new joint compound, Papa Hen and I finished the project today.  I triple-dog-dare a weed to ever grow there again.

Like the gnome, Honker was watching the whole time.

Honker went hiking this weekend.  We did too.  Love how his tongue is hanging out!
Papa Hen caught Honker in the backyard eating grass and other plants.  Yummy.

This planter is/was our herb garden.  Then a squash plant volunteered to grown there.  We don't really mind, but we wish it would tell us its name.  Anyone recognize this variety?

While the chickens are getting no love in this blog post, we did spend quite a bit of time cleaning out Red Door Coop this weekend.  Also, we got the birds a new kind of scratch that does not have corn in it.  The extremely particular taste buds of the Red Door Coop chickens better be satisfied!

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